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German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership


Within the framework of an energy partnership, dena is helping Ukraine transform its energy system. The aim of the transnational cooperation is to achieve the global energy transition, especially in terms of the climate goals (Paris Climate Agreement).

Starting point

Description: German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership

Client: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and and Climate Action (BMWK)Energy (BMWi)

Country: Ukraine

Lead executing Agency/partner: Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Founding Year: 2020

Contact: Martin Schön-Chanishvili (Martin.Schoen-Chanishvili(at)

Ukraine is experiencing an economic transformation that was already before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine February 2022 characterized by major challenges in the energy sector. With the war and the disruptions to energy supply caused by Russian attacks on critical infrastructure, the urgency of comprehensive modernisation measures in the energy sector is evident.

Ukraine's 2050 energy strategy, which focuses on climate neutrality and integration into the European energy market, aims at fundamental reforms in the energy sector and the massive expansion of renewable generation. Germany is one of Ukraine's most important partners here. Since 2019, the two countries have significantly expanded their energy policy cooperation. At the same time, Ukraine's economy holds considerable potential for energy efficiency and renewable energies. The export of green energy sources or products with a low carbon footprint also offers enormous prospects for cooperation with Germany.

The German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership was concluded in 2020 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.


The aim is to promote the global energy transition in partnership with one of the EU’s largest neighbouring countries. Exchanges and joint initiatives with Ukraine are hoped to strengthen international climate protection. The aim of the partnership is also to improve export opportunities for German companies in the Ukrainian market.

In addition to short-term support for repair measures of the war-damaged energy infrastructure, the energy partnership supports reconstruction, in particular by decentralizing the energy system and promoting renewable energies and projects of various federal ministries, e.g. on energy efficiency (BMZ) and structural change (BMWK). This mitigates the weaknesses of the energy-intensive and import-dependent energy sector exposed by the war, but also creates conditions for better energy security, resilience and environmental sustainability.

In this way, Ukraine is also positioning itself for a sustainable future as a member of the European Union and contributing to the energy transition. International climate protection is strengthened through exchange and joint initiatives with the Ukrainian side. Improving export opportunities for German companies on the Ukrainian market is also one of the goals of the partnership.

Focus topics

The priority areas of the German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership are increasing energy efficiency, the structural change of coal regions, the modernisation of the power sector and the expansion of renewable energies, the reduction of CO2 emissions and the promotion of green hydrogen. The Energy Partnership also supports a network of Ukrainian women energy experts to further develop the existing competencies of women in the energy sector and to make them usable for the energy transition and cooperation.


The partnership website

You will find information on the German-Ukrainian energy partnership on the official website:

To implement the bilateral energy partnership, a country secretariat (EP country secretariat) was established in Ukraine on behalf of the BMWK. The government dialogue on energy policy is to take place continuously within the framework of the Energy Partnership formats developed for this purpose. Ukraine will be provided with concrete recommendations for the further development of markets and the energy transition.

German and Ukrainian companies implement concrete energy projects in Ukraine and can use the formats of the Energy Partnership for exchange and support. The projects increase know-how and awareness of topics relevant to the energy transition and demonstrate solutions for the transformation of energy systems.

Other important formats of the energy partnership are workshops, matchmaking and the publication of studies and discussion papers.


Through jointly developed strategies in the energy partnership to expand renewable generation and increase energy efficiency, Ukraine can counteract its high energy intensity and dependence on imports and better achieve its decarbonisation and climate goals. Bilateral cooperation for a successful transformation will be strengthened.

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Picture: BMWi