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Energy-efficient technologies for industry and commerce

There are many ways of reducing energy consumption in industry and trade – systems, new methods and smart control units that permit savings. In a nutshell: energy-efficient

technologies. They offer significant potential for companies. dena raises the public profile of energy-saving projects, making them shining examples for other companies to adopt.

Methods of saving energy in companies

Energy efficiency technologies

Companies can frequently recoup the costs of their energy efficiency measures inside of three years. Industry and commerce can achieve three goals in this respect: cutting back on energy saves costs, contributes to climate protection and improves competitiveness.

Besides the switch to renewable energy sources, energy efficiency is currently another important factor that is rightly considered the “second pillar” of the energy transition. The Federal Government emphasised this status by adopting the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE) at the end of 2014 and by issuing an energy efficiency fund to promote the economic and parsimonious use of energy. These measures support highly-efficient cross-sector technologies, or in other words: systems, methods and control procedures that require significantly less energy than the current state-of-art or commonly marketed technology.

Specialists such as energy consultants – who can be found at – or qualified in-house experts can help to identify potential savings, synergy effects and suitable technologies that can then be integrated within the company processes. The company benefits along with the environment, as a reduction in energy costs will also lead to a more favourable cost-of-manufacture. These energy efficiency measures give companies competitive advantages and let them score points with customers and business partners thanks to a greener image.

dena helps raise awareness of energy-efficient technologies

The bottom line is that success in the field of energy efficiency needs to be publicised so that other companies can follow suit. Ideally this will produce a momentum that can make an important contribution to the energy transition in Germany. dena accepts the task of publicising success stories in the area of energy efficiency to a broader audience. One example is the above-mentioned “lighthouse” project, the annual Energy Efficiency Award. See: