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Developing solutions for mobility and housing

Cities are expanding worldwide. This trend presents municipalities with challenges in the areas of mobility, housing and climate protection. The time has come for energy-efficient urban refurbishment. 

Intelligent planning of quarters and districts can release significant efficiency potential. Find out here what dena is doing to achieve these goals nationally and internationally.

Statistics & facts

50 %
of the world’s population
currently live in cities.
75 %
of the people in Germany
are at home in a city.
million residential units
have been constructed in China in the last fifteen years.
million Chinese nationals
have moved from the countryside to the city over the last 12 years.

Urban living remains a popular trend


dena advises cities and municipalities in the preparation of sustainable urban development concepts.

Expertise in energy-efficient urban refurbishment

The challenge in Germany is to redesign current urban systems while still preserving the building fabric. Systematic district refurbishment and sustained urban development are complex processes. After all, the many and varied interests of stakeholders like homeowners, tenants, the housing industry, trade and commerce, energy providers, urban developers, the transport industry and others all need to brought together within one set of energy policies. dena is the right partner for this task. Drawing on its substantial expertise, dena can play a key role in communicating know-how, mediating between the stakeholders and in the concise development of cross-sectoral energy concepts.

Urbanisation promotes climate protection

The energy-efficient re(design) of urban districts is an important aspect in the sustainable development of entire cities that use their resources to produce the smallest possible carbon footprint.

In order to achieve a noticeable reduction in CO2,emissions in city energy systems, it is imperative to consider and to interconnect varied fields of action, among them building, energy, transport, water and waste management and their superordinate planning and organisation. The purpose of the Eco-Cities project is to collect initial practical experience from the various pilot cities and hence to create a foundation upon which to build recommended courses of action for the Chinese Ministry of Construction.

Projects on the topic

Eco-Cities in China

The Eco Cities in China project develops practice-oriented criteria for the sustainability of urban infrastructure and appropriate strategies and management instruments. In 27 pilot cities in China, proven German energy efficiency technologies and services are being tested and further developed.


  • 27 pilot cities
  • Project start: 2015
  • Partner:  Chinese Society for Urban Studies and China Eco-City Academy
  • Nations: Germany and PR China