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Discussion processes

Cooperating to make the heating transition a success

A culture of discussion that appreciates and connects a variety of opinions is needed in order to improve energy efficiency in buildings. 

The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) German Energy Agency, uses the Allianz für Gebäude-Energie-Effizienz (geea), Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency to ensure that these discussions processes are successful. 

Developing the heat transition in dialogue

Discussion processes

Buildings will have to become more efficient if the energy transition is to succeed. Aiming to successfully structure this heating transition, the dena-initiated and coordinated Allianz für Gebäude-Energie-Effizienz (geea, Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency ensures constructive communication between various stakeholders and actors.

geea introduces the competency and experience of its members into the discussion processes with political actors and other stakeholders. The aim is to encourage debate and hence to drive forward the energy transition together.

The alliance’s political work involves talks and appointments with members of parliament and delegates from the relevant ministries. Moreover, geea provides close support to the Federal Government’s discussion platforms that are designed to help the energy transition succeed. geea’s activities go beyond the national level, and it also meets regularly with representatives of the Federal States and the European Union.

Would you like to read more about geea’s communicative tasks and its concrete activities? You will find additional information at Are you interested in ways to improve energy efficiency in buildings and suitable funding programmes? Visit

Projects on the topic


Der Gebäudebereich bietet enormes Potenzial zur Einsparung und effizienter Nutzung von Energie. Der dena-Gebäudereport gibt einen umfassenden Überblick zum energetischen Zustand von Gebäuden in Deutschland und fasst wichtige Informationen übersichtlich zusammen.


  • Erscheint seit 2012 jährlich
  • auf 200 Seiten die wichtigsten Daten zur Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden
  • Analysen, Prognosen, Szenarien grafisch aufbereitet; mit Kernaussagen erläutert
  • Themenbreite: von Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden bis  Eigentümer- und Mieterstrukturen  im  Kontext politischer, wirtschaftlicher und historischer Ereignisse
  • Project Information

geea – “Allianz für Gebäude-Energie-Effizienz” (Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency)

The Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency (Allianz für Gebäude-Energie-Effizienz, geea) is a cross-sector consortium of leading enterprises, associations and organisations in the field of energy efficiency in the construction industry.


  • Project start: 2011
  • Positions and dialogue to improve building energy efficiency
  • Publication of numerous publications, organisation of political events
  • Participation in various dialogue formats
  • 2021: 10-year anniversary
  • 2023: Almost 30 members