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Service for energy consultants

Building owners face exacting challenges in the energy-efficient construction or refurbishment of their properties. It is therefore crucial to bring in highly qualified experts like energy consultants, engineers, architects, skilled trades firms and planners in order to build a high quality efficient house.

The tools offered by Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena), German Energy Agency ensure that the experts always remain up-to-date, while also providing useful assistance in everyday work routines. Click here for more information on the services.

How dena supports energy consultants in their everyday work

Tools for high consulting quality

Experts for energy-efficient building and refurbishment face particular challenges throughout the planning, execution and monitoring processes of energy-efficient building and refurbishment projects with regard to climate neutrality. dena has developed useful tools to help them in their work, which experts can access on the Climate-neutral Building Forum website.

The planning, support and execution of energy-efficiency building and refurbishment projects is a complex task for everyone involved. It is essential at all times to pursue an integral approach, which means perceiving the house as a system and paying attention to the interfaces between all trades involved in the process. This is why dena provides specialists in the fields of architecture, engineering, construction and skilled trade with a variety of tools for their work. The aim is to increase the quality of energy-efficiency results and, at the same time, to ease the workload in the experts’ daily routines.

Tested tools

Energy consultants can use these practical Check Lists, for example. They ensure effective and simple data collection in residential buildings, for instance during a consultation on energy or the preparation of energy performance certificates. In addition, they are useful resources to allow continuous monitoring of the building and refurbishment phase: The check lists on diagnosis, planning, implementation and handover make it easier for the experts to keep everything under control and to achieve high quality.

The ‘Cost Effectiveness’ tool helps consultants figure out how to calculate the cost effectiveness of single-tenant and multi-tenant occupancies and assists them in performing the calculations.

Reference works for energy consultants

dena has prepared numerous technical publications that energy consultants are welcome to use. They include the Energy Performance Certificate Guideline in accordance with DIN V 18599 and the Thermal Bridge Guideline. Experts can download numerous publications free of charge from the Climate-neutral Building Forum download area.

Click here to access the Climate-neutral Building Forum

Whether it is energy performance certificates, the German Buildings Energy Act (GEG) or energy balances, the Climate-neutral Building Forum website provides experts with plenty of useful information on the subject of energy-efficient building and refurbishment. The FAQ section provides answers to some frequent enquiries. Other questions can be asked conveniently by phone or e-mail. The dena experts would be delighted to help you as quickly as possible.

Projects on the topic

Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes

Investors can consult the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes to find experts in the area of energy-efficient building and refurbishment.


  • Project start 2011
  • Source of funding: BMWK, KfW Bankengruppe, BAFA
  • Number of listed experts: over 18,000 and about 16,000 available online
  • Number of network partners: 23