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The house as a system

Qualified energy consultants perceive houses as a system, and can prepare an individual refurbishment roadmap for each one.

By doing so, they help in energy-efficient refurbishment that aims to increase a building’s energy saving potential.

Energy consultants are important partners

Energy consulting and individual refurbishment roadmaps

Homeowners urgently require qualified advice on energy It is the foundation for the professional planning and implementation of energy-efficient construction projects.

Energy-efficient building refurbishment or modernisation is a complex and costly undertaking. So good planning is crucial. An energy consultant should be actively involved from the beginning of energy efficiency building projects in order to make full use of energy saving potential in each building. Initially, the consultant will analyse the current energy efficiency status of the building and technical systems. Based on these results, the consultant will propose which efficiency measures are purposeful, how they can be favourably combined, and in what way the existing savings potential can be ideally utilised. In this respect, competent energy consultants will always pay attention to the homeowner’s individual needs and circumstances and will also be aware of possible grants and subsidies.

Finding experts for qualified and independent advice on energy

Energy consultants perform an important function: they are in direct contact with homeowners, providing them with individual information on possible refurbishment measures. In this way, they convince and motivate the owners of detached and semi-detached homes, apartment or commercial buildings to invest in efficiency measures and hence to contribute to the success of the energy transition.

Specialist, in-depth, independent and qualified advice that perceives the house as a holistic entity and a system is therefore particularly important for homeowners. However, energy consultancy is not a protected profession, which means that the quality of advice can vary substantially. Verifiably qualified energy consultants in all regions of Germany are listed in the dena-administered Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes.

dena contributes to the qualification of energy consultants by defining clear requirements and a standard examination that builds on a prior professional qualification in a relevant field. When qualified in this way, energy consultants should be given access to government-funded energy consultancy programmes, irrespective of their profession and field of work. 

Individual refurbishment roadmap

An individual refurbishment roadmap can provide homeowners with helpful orientation during energy-efficient building projects. It can be prepared during a meeting to provide advice on energy. The roadmap outlines coordinated efficiency measures in the form of refurbishment packages. Acting on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), dena is cooperating with Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH (ifeu) to develop a methodology for a nationwide preparation of individual refurbishment roadmaps for detached and semi-detached homes and apartment buildings. The standardised tool, which is intended to help improve the quality of advice on energy, can be used in complete refurbishment as well as in step-by-step modernisation.

Tips for energy consultants

Moreover, dena also provides a number of tools and marketing instruments that can be accessed via the expert portal for energy-efficient construction and renovation. Their purpose is to assist professionals in advising clients and in the planning and implementation of measures. This helps to increase confidence among investors and owners and to motivate them to implement higher energy efficiency standards.

Projects on the topic

Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes

Investors can consult the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes to find experts in the area of energy-efficient building and refurbishment.


  • Project start 2011
  • Source of funding: BMWK, KfW Bankengruppe, BAFA
  • Number of listed experts: over 18,000 and about 16,000 available online
  • Number of network partners: 23

Individual refurbishment roadmap for residential buildings

The individual refurbishment road map for residential buildings presents the coordinated steps of an energy-efficient refurbishment process. Together with consortium partners, dena is developing an overall methodology for this purpose.


  • Project start: July 2015
  • Consortium consisting of: dena, ifeu, PHI
  • Client: BMWi
  • Documents developed: Booklets "My refurbishment road map" and "Implementation aid for your measures" for homeowners, brief instructions and manual for energy consultants.