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Finding experts for energy efficiency

Every house is unique. So it is necessary to find individual ways of saving energy. Experts help in energy-efficient building and refurbishment projects. Certified experts are listed in the

Database of Energy Efficiency Experts – a joint initiative by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control und KfW Group. You can find more information here.

Statistics & facts

are already listed in the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts
architects and engineers
are represented in the database.
skilled trades firms and planners
are also registered.
expert searches
are performed in the database each month.

Energy-efficient building and refurbishment requires expertise

Database of Energy Efficiency Experts

Investors and property owners will find certified consultants in the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts. They will provide individual support throughout your project, and they are always up to date.

Energy-efficient buildings are crucial to the success of the energy transition. After all, buildings in Germany account for roughly 40 percent of total energy requirements. But anyone looking to invest in energy-efficient building or refurbishment will have to adhere to the extensive technical requirements defined in the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV). The requirements for state-subsidised KfW efficiency houses are even stricter.

Expertise is needed

The first step is to identify the individual and systemic energy saving potential of each building. Highly efficient new builds and refurbishments demand profound  technical expertise, as their planning is particularly complex and exacting. In the past there have been significant fluctuations in quality, both in terms of the advice on energy, as well as the planning of building measures.

The Database of Energy Efficiency Experts provides orientation

A central and nationwide database of qualified experts alleviates this situation: The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) and KfW created the “Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes” in 2011.
The database includes all engineers, architects and skilled trades firms that are authorised to advise property owners in questions of energy-efficiency, whether in the application for government funding programmes for energy-efficient building and refurbishment run by KfW, or for targeted advice on energy within a programme funded by BAFA.

For building owners: How to find an expert

Building owners use a post code search feature to locate certified energy efficiency experts close by. The registered experts are assigned to categories that match the different BAFA and KfW funding programmes: 

  • On-site consulting (BAFA)
  • Energy consultations for small and medium-sized enterprises (NAFA)
  • Energy-efficient building and refurbishment – residential properties (KfW)
  • Energy-efficient building and refurbishment – non-residential properties (KfW)
  • KfW efficient house for listed buildings, monuments and other valuable buildings

The database currently registers over 50,000 search requests each month. There is additional information for private, commercial and municipal building owners.

dena liaises with the experts

dena manages the Database of Energy Experts on behalf of KfW. Anyone wishing to be included in the database or to extend their listing must contact dena. In October 2017, the database held about 13,000 experts, including roughly 8,500 architects and engineers, as well as 3,000 skilled trades firms and technicians. New categories are being added to the database continuously, most recently for “Energy-efficient construction – non-residential buildings”.

Latest energy efficiency expertise

Energy-efficiency experts with certified qualifications in the area of energy-efficient building and refurbishment are included in the database. In addition, the concept guarantees that the energy consultants are always up to date: After three years, entries can only be extended if dena receives verification that the experts have completed suitable training courses and can present practical references. Finally, dena conducts random checks of the work performed by the experts included in the database in order to ensure consistent quality in the area of energy-saving building and refurbishment.

Paving the way for KfW funding

Since 01/06/2014, experts have been required to register with the “Database of energy-efficiency Experts for Government Subsidy Programmes” in order to submit an online application to KfW or to issue confirmation for funding projects in energy-efficient building and refurbishment (151, 152, 153, 430, 431) after completion. The annual fee is reduced if the experts register via a network partner. Interested persons will find additional information at

Projects on the topic

Durchführung Vor-Ort-Kontrollen (KfW)

Die KfW hat seit Anfang November 2013 die Vor-Ort-Kontrollen in ihren Programmen Energieeffizient Bauen und Sanieren ausgeweitet. Die Kontrollen werden von der dena koordiniert und dokumentiert. Hierfür hat die dena im Rahmen eines europaweiten Ausschreibungsverfahrens den Zuschlag erhalten.


  • Projektbeginn: 2013
  • Auftraggeber: KfW
  • sichert die Einhaltung hoher Qualitätsstandards bei Effizienzhäusern und Einzelmaßnahmen
  • mehr als 400 Vor-Ort-Kontrollen pro Jahr
  • Project Information

Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes

Investors can consult the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes to find experts in the area of energy-efficient building and refurbishment.


  • Project start 2011
  • Source of funding: BMWK, KfW Bankengruppe, BAFA
  • Number of listed experts: over 18,000 and about 16,000 available online
  • Number of network partners: 23