Projects Project

Eco-Cities in China

The challenge While climate protection and energy efficiency in China have often taken a back seat to the goal of economic success in the past, a paradigm shift is now underway. This shift is based, a

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Eigenkapitalähnliche Hybridinstrumente

Die Transformation der Wirtschaft hin zur Klimaneutralität ist mit enormen Investitionen verbunden – diese stellen die Industrie jedoch mitunter vor große finanzielle Herausforderungen. Das Bundesmini



This is the challenge Reaching carbon neutrality by 2060 is an ambitious goal by the world’s largest economy. Energy supply in China still mainly relies on coal, with wind and solar accounting for onl

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Energy Transition Trends 2018 – China, Europe, USA

dena developed the report together with project partners from China, Denmark, USA and Germany to give a snapshot of the energy transition trends for three of the largest energy consumers in the world: