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Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes

Investors can consult the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes to find experts in the area of energy-efficient building and refurbishment.

Project Website

The challenge:

Anyone who wants to build a new energy-efficient building or realise one as part of a renovation project relies on the help of qualified experts. Because even small inaccuracies in the planning or construction phase can result in the expected savings not being achieved. But how do you find proven energy efficiency experts?

Our solution:

The Energy Efficiency Expert List for Federal Funding Programmes lists qualified, certified experts in energy-efficient construction and refurbishment in a central location. This is where they offer their services for private building owners and companies that need energy advice.

dena is the contact for the more than 18,000 and about 13,00 online available listed experts, vets their qualifications and also evaluates their work results on a random basis. In doing so, it coordinates closely with the project partners and funding bodies: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK), KfW and the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle, BAFA). The project is supported by 23 network partners.

The effect:

In the Expert List, private building owners and companies can easily and quickly find certified energy advisors from their region. In addition to contact with these experts, consumers also receive information about suitable funding programmes. This makes energy-efficient construction and renovation possible.

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